Tag Archives: containers

Why AWS Lambda is not “north pole” for compute yet!


It is well known that cloud is going to revolutionize how we think about information systems in general. AWS is leading the revolution and it leads the public cloud movement by leaps and bounds as of date today (Sure Azure and Google are trying to catch up, however they are far far behind). Similarly people like to call private cloud, hybrid cloud etc. None of those matter as much as delivering applications with speed and agility that is increasing day by day.

If you followed AWS Re-invent 2016, one of the largest shows in the tech world this year and Amazon does an amazing job as ever with newer and exciting services (improved versions and newer features).

This gist has the links to all you tube videos.


There are about 8 videos on Lambda. I watched a couple of them and some of the key points that stuck in my head were:

  1. Compute evolution goes as Bare Metal -> Virtual Machines -> Containers -> Lambda
  2. Serverless architecture (doesn’t necessarily mean no servers, it means someone else is maintaining your server) means lambda is your best choice
  3. And then how some companies totally operate on lambda and get charged in milliseconds and how they kept costs low etc.

Good sell points – and sure enough there is are use-cases where it makes total sense, especially when you are a bunch of developers and all you care about is writing code for an app and leave scalability, reliability, redundancy etc. to somebody else (AWS in case of lambda)


Focus on Bare Metal -> Virtual Machines -> Containers -> Lambda

It is a linear dimension and that is concerning to me !

Let me throw in more context why that doesn’t convey the full picture

  • Have you ever made decision on choosing a technology because of a variable operating linearly
  • Decision sciences research never arrives at the optimum solution looking at one variable, if it were, life and world would be so much easier
  • Any decision solution requires a context, a graph of relationships between various nodes – aka. trade-off decisions , choosing one over the other based on the situation

Why do you say so ?

  • Let’s say you go “all-in” , all eggs in one basket with lambda as a startup and design your app (composite service based app or whatever) using lambda.
  • Do you know the internals of lambda ? The “how” piece
  • Vendor lock-in is a classic strategy of almost any technology vendor
  • The more you base your app/solution on vendor’s service as a blackbox, the more you are giving away your value (Sure that can always be argued as – That’s not my core , hence I will offload it)
  • But really think about it – it is always a balance between ends of a spectrum that we need to think about (in this case ends being – bare metal vs. lambda)

Don’t get me wrong !

  • I am NOT saying we shouldn’t go with cloud – In fact I am a proponent of moving all on-premises to in-cloud anytime. I got my certification too because I believe future is going to be “mostly” cloud.
  • In fact all the positives – agility, scalability, devops problems, access gatekeeping etc. are mostly solved by cloud solutions — So its a no-brainer for sure
  • I am just playing devils advocate here

OK, so what is actionable in your words..

Ah ! Now we are talking. So here is my recommendation as of today in terms of compute power.

  • Choose a container strategy (Yes Docker!) over Lambda.
  • Let the lowest abstraction layer be Docker engine.

Benefits and more balanced approach

  • Anytime you want to move your workload out of AWS, you can do that because you would have maintained your Docker image manifest, docker-compose.yml or distributed application bundles (docker stack) and you OWN all of it.
  • All you would need to do it layer docker engine on a host , cluster them together, use orchestration managers like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm etc.
  • If you are a person who “always plans for the worst” – YET innovate also taking the most risk, I would totally suggest containers over lambda.
  • Docker containers give the best bang for buck at this time as per me.
  • Sure load balancers, reverse proxies, auto scaling , DNS etc. can be chosen out regardless of this decision
  • Are you okay with servers coming up in seconds? (and not obsessive yet just because  lambda fires in milliseconds)
  • Are you okay spending $50 per month (assuming t2.medium server) vs. re-writing all your code to suit lambda requirements and then getting vendor locked-in?
  • Leverage your cohesive team and enable them to work with each other (dev, ops, sysops, testers…etc). No ONE PERSON cannot take the full load – it might sound everyone wants to be Elon Musk – however that is not reality (Now one might argue, if you don’t dream sky, how are you doing to jump in first place. Agreed with that statement, but contrast that with “Before participating in a olympic race, first learn to walk and sprint”). The point being – take a balanced approach and don’t do “all-in” – Strategize so that you have multiple options always
  • All my above recommendations are applicable more to enterprise than a pure start-up


  • I actually coded in Lambda and I love it – as a developer , as an individual contributor
  • As a leader, who is responsible for ensuring to deliver an application with a team of members, that come with varied skill sets – I am often torn between the technologies and choosing one over the other
  • Personally, I want to “do it all” by myself – yes I have those instincts
  • As a leader – thinking as one person is not going to build empires. One has to know how to coordinate, leverage diverse skill sets , yet innovate and sail the ship – Yes a leader should do it all !
  • As with anything in real world – it is a trade-off decision and at this point, I don’t think Lambda is a choice over Containers for me

What would make it North Pole for me 🙂

  • Open source Lambda internals (code, set up instructions by pulling together commodity hardware and layering software on top of it – talk networks, storage too!)
  • Let there be competitors for Lambda across languages, stacks, vendors (call it alpha, gamma etc.)
  • As an adopter, I make the final decision of which “serverless” compute.
  • I am not a big fan of monopoly
  • OpenWhisk, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Fabric, hook.io are upcoming — They are still nowhere close to the experience we get from Lambda.
  • Give me oligopoly !



As of 01/31/2017 , there are enough options for serverless now.

Fission IO

Iron IO

Search online for more 🙂

Docker for Beginners



If you are a programmer/techie, chances are you shouldn’t have missed on hearing about Container/micro-services and Docker. Containers have been in use for more than a decade, however it became very popular with Docker coming up with a mechanism (container format), where it is easier to adopt container concepts. Google has been using containers for years and companies across plethora of industries (including financial) are adopting containers.

Containers date back to at least the year 2000 and FreeBSD Jails. Oracle Solaris also has a similar concept called Zones while companies such as Parallels, Google, and Docker have been working in such open-source projects as OpenVZ and LXC (Linux Containers) to make containers work well and securely.

Indeed, few of you know it, but most of you have been using containers for years. Google has its own open-source, container technology lmctfy (Let Me Contain That For You). Anytime you use some of Google functionality — Search, Gmail, Google Docs, whatever — you’re issued a new container

Containers vs. VMs

Both containers and virtual machines are highly portable, but in different ways. For virtual machines, the portability is between systems running the same hypervisor (usually VMware’s ESX, Microsoft’s Hyper-V, or open source Zen or KVM). Containers don’t need a hypervisor, since they’re bound to a certain version of an operating system. But an application in a container can move wherever there’s a copy of that operating system available

Containers and VMs are similar in their goals: to isolate an application and its dependencies into a self-contained unit that can run anywhere.Moreover, containers and VMs remove the need for physical hardware, allowing for more efficient use of computing resources, both in terms of energy consumption and cost effectiveness.

  • Containers are newer and have massive growth potential whereas VMs have been there for many years and proven to be stable
  • Containers boot in a fraction of second compared to VMs (everything else being constant from hardware perspective)
  • Containers are proven to work on massive scale (Google search)
  • Containers and micro-service architecture align perfectly
  • Security is yet to be proven with containers (well security is a never ending battle in any context for that matter)


From an architectural approach, some of the differences are:

Virtual Machines

A VM is essentially an emulation of a real computer that executes programs like a real computer. VMs run on top of a physical machine using a“hypervisor”. A hypervisor, in turn, runs on either a host machine or on“bare-metal”.

Let’s unpack the jargon:

hypervisor is a piece of software, firmware, or hardware that VMs run on top of. The hypervisors themselves run on physical computers, referred to as the “host machine”. The host machine provides the VMs with resources, including RAM and CPU. These resources are divided between VMs and can be distributed as you see fit. So if one VM is running a more resource heavy application, you might allocate more resources to that one than the other VMs running on the same host machine.

The VM that is running on the host machine (again, using a hypervisor) is also often called a “guest machine.” This guest machine contains both the application and whatever it needs to run that application (e.g. system binaries and libraries). It also carries an entire virtualized hardware stack of its own, including virtualized network adapters, storage, and CPU — which means it also has its own full-fledged guest operating system. From the inside, the guest machine behaves as its own unit with its own dedicated resources. From the outside, we know that it’s a VM — sharing resources provided by the host machine.

As mentioned above, a guest machine can run on either a hosted hypervisor or a bare-metal hypervisor. There are some important differences between them.

First off, a hosted virtualization hypervisor runs on the operating system of the host machine. For example, a computer running OSX can have a VM (e.g. VirtualBox or VMware Workstation 8) installed on top of that OS. The VM doesn’t have direct access to hardware, so it has to go through the host operating system (in our case, the Mac’s OSX).

The benefit of a hosted hypervisor is that the underlying hardware is less important. The host’s operating system is responsible for the hardware drivers instead of the hypervisor itself, and is therefore considered to have more “hardware compatibility.” On the other hand, this additional layer in between the hardware and the hypervisor creates more resource overhead, which lowers the performance of the VM.

A bare metal hypervisor environment tackles the performance issue by installing on and running from the host machine’s hardware. Because it interfaces directly with the underlying hardware, it doesn’t need a host operating system to run on. In this case, the first thing installed on a host machine’s server as the operating system will be the hypervisor. Unlike the hosted hypervisor, a bare-metal hypervisor has its own device drivers and interacts with each component directly for any I/O, processing, or OS-specific tasks. This results in better performance, scalability, and stability.The tradeoff here is that hardware compatibility is limited because the hypervisor can only have so many device drivers built into it.

After all this talk about hypervisors, you might be wondering why we need this additional “hypervisor” layer in between the VM and the host machine at all.

Well, since the VM has a virtual operating system of its own, the hypervisor plays an essential role in providing the VMs with a platform to manage and execute this guest operating system. It allows for host computers to share their resources amongst the virtual machines that are running as guests on top of them.


image2016-4-16 11:57:32.png

As you can see in the diagram, VMs package up the virtual hardware, a kernel (i.e. OS) and user space for each new VM.


Unlike a VM which provides hardware virtualization, a container provides operating-system-level virtualization by abstracting the “user space”. You’ll see what I mean as we unpack the term container.

For all intent and purposes, containers look like a VM. For example, they have private space for processing, can execute commands as root, have a private network interface and IP address, allow custom routes and iptable rules, can mount file systems, and etc.

The one big difference between containers and VMs is that containers *share* the host system’s kernel with other containers.

containerimage2016-4-16 11:59:11.png

This diagram shows you that containers package up just the user space, and not the kernel or virtual hardware like a VM does. Each container gets its own isolated user space to allow multiple containers to run on a single host machine. We can see that all the operating system level architecture is being shared across containers. The only parts that are created from scratch are the bins and libs. This is what makes containers so lightweight.

What is Docker?

Docker brings several new things to the table that the earlier technologies didn’t. The first is that it’s made containers easier and safer to deploy and use than previous approaches. In addition, because Docker’s partnering with the other container powers, including Canonical, Google, Red Hat, and Parallels, on its key open-source component libcontainer , it’s brought much-needed standardization to containers. At the same time, developers can use Docker to pack, ship, and run any application as a lightweight, portable, self sufficient LXC container that can run virtually anywhere.

Some reasons why Docker has gained popularity over other container based technologies.

1. Ease of use: Docker has made it much easier for anyone — developers, systems admins, architects and others — to take advantage of containers in order to quickly build and test portable applications. It allows anyone to package an application on their laptop, which in turn can run unmodified on any public cloud, private cloud, or even bare metal. The expectation is: “build once, run anywhere.”


2. Speed: Docker containers are very lightweight and fast. Since containers are just sandboxed environments running on the kernel, they take up fewer resources. You can create and run a Docker container in seconds, compared to VMs which might take longer because they have to boot up a full virtual operating system every time.


3. Docker Hub/Image Registry: Docker users also benefit from the increasingly rich ecosystem of Docker Hub, which you can think of as an “app store for Docker images.” Docker Hub has tens of thousands of public images created by the community that are readily available for use. It’s incredibly easy to search for images that meet your needs, ready to pull down and use with little-to-no modification. Sonatype Nexus (Nexus User Guide) also now support Docker container registry type.


4. Modularity and Scalability: Docker makes it easy to break out your application’s functionality into individual containers. For example, you might have your Postgres database running in one container and your Redis server in another while your Node.js app is in another. With Docker, it’s become easier to link these containers together to create your application, making it easy to scale or update components independently in the future.


Docker Concepts

If you want to deep dive into technology right away and you have a background, then Docker Containers would give  you the most benefit (Scroll down after the table)

If you are really new , then follow along.


** Docker has strong roots in *nix. Windows started aligning with docker very recently by opening up the kernel with Windows server 2016

Docker Engine

Docker engine is the layer on which Docker runs. It’s a lightweight runtime and tooling that manages containers, images, builds, and more. It runs natively on Linux systems and is made up of:

1. A Docker Daemon that runs in the host computer.
2. A Docker Client that then communicates with the Docker Daemon to execute commands.
3. A REST API for interacting with the Docker Daemon remotely.

Docker Client

The Docker Client is what you, as the end-user of Docker, communicate with. Think of it as the UI for Docker. For example, when you run…

docker build trusty/ubuntu

The Docker daemon is what actually executes commands sent to the Docker Client — like building, running, and distributing your containers. The Docker Daemon runs on the host machine, but as a user, you never communicate directly with the Daemon. The Docker Client can run on the host machine as well, but it’s not required to. It can run on a different machine and communicate with the Docker Daemon that’s running on the host machine.you are communicating to the Docker Client, which then communicates your instructions to the Docker Daemon.


A Dockerfile is where you write the instructions to build a Docker image.These instructions can be:

  • RUN apt-get y install some-package: to install a software package
  • EXPOSE 8000: to expose a port
  • ENV ANT_HOME /usr/local/apache-ant to pass an environment variable

and so forth. Once you’ve got your Dockerfile set up, you can use the docker build command to build an image from it. Here’s an example of a Dockerfile.

Docker Image

Images are read-only templates that you build from a set of instructions written in your Dockerfile. Images define both what you want your packaged application and its dependencies to look like *and* what processes to run when it’s launched.

The Docker image is built using a Dockerfile. Each instruction in the Dockerfile adds a new “layer” to the image, with layers representing a portion of the images file system that either adds to or replaces the layer below it. Layers are key to Docker’s lightweight yet powerful structure.Docker uses a Union File System to achieve this:

Union File Systems

Docker uses Union File Systems to build up an image. You can think of a Union File System as a stackable file system, meaning files and directories of separate file systems (known as branches) can be transparently overlaid to form a single file system.

The contents of directories which have the same path within the overlaid branches are seen as a single merged directory, which avoids the need to create separate copies of each layer. Instead, they can all be given pointers to the same resource; when certain layers need to be modified, it’ll create a copy and modify a local copy, leaving the original unchanged. That’s how file systems can *appear* writable without actually allowing writes. (In other words, a “copy-on-write” system.)

Layered systems offer two main benefits:

1. Duplication-free: layers help avoid duplicating a complete set of files every time you use an image to create and run a new container, making instantiation of docker containers very fast and cheap.
2. Layer segregation: Making a change is much faster — when you change an image, Docker only propagates the updates to the layer that was changed.


Volumes are the “data” part of a container, initialized when a container is created. Volumes allow you to persist and share a container’s data. Data volumes are separate from the default Union File System and exist as normal directories and files on the host filesystem. So, even if you destroy, update, or rebuild your container, the data volumes will remain untouched. When you want to update a volume, you make changes to it directly. (As an added bonus, data volumes can be shared and reused among multiple containers, which is pretty neat.)

Docker Containers

A Docker container, as discussed above, wraps an application’s software into an invisible box with everything the application needs to run. That includes the operating system, application code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, and etc. Docker containers are built off Docker images. Since images are read-only, Docker adds a read-write file system over the read-only file system of the image to create a container.


Moreover, then creating the container, Docker creates a network interface so that the container can talk to the local host, attaches an available IP address to the container, and executes the process that you specified to run your application when defining the image.

Once you’ve successfully created a container, you can then run it in any environment without having to make changes.

Potential Docker EcoSystem









Docker – UCP


Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP) is the enterprise-grade cluster management solution from Docker. You install it behind your firewall, and it helps you manage your whole cluster from a single place

Docker UCP can be installed on-premises, or on a virtual private cloud. And with it, you can manage thousands of nodes (e.g. 1000 ec2 instances with 50,000 containers has been tested and in some cases with 100,000 containers) as if they were a single one. You can monitor and manage your cluster using a graphical UI.


Follow these instructions – here



In the above picture, you can see that we installed UCP with two controller nodes – In general for HA , it is recommended to use 3 controller nodes minimum.

On each controller node – you will find approx. containers that address different capabilities running on various ports as follows.



Built-in security and access control


Docker UCP has its own built-in authentication mechanism, and supports LDAP and Active Directory. It also supports Role Based Access Control (RBAC). This ensures that only authorized users can access and make changes to cluster.


There are generally teams and users – grouping.

Role access – view only, restricted only, full admin control.

Docker UCP also integrates with Docker Trusted Registry and Docker Content Trust. This allows you to keep your images stored behind your firewall, where they are safe. It also allows you to sign those images to ensure that the images you deploy have not been altered in any way



Create an integrated Micro-Service Application

Assuming your micro-serviced application has already defined the composite application, you can quickly spin up your application like this. In the below example , selenium grid is a micro-service application that launches a chrome and firefox node.

Containers View








Restart UCP

docker run --rm -it \
     --name ucp \
     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
     docker/ucp \
     restart [command options]


Remove/Uninstall docker node from UCP

docker run --rm -it \
  --name ucp \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  docker/ucp \
  uninstall --interactive




Docker Micro Service App


Micro-Service Applications are going to get lot of attention in the coming years. What are micro-service apps ? – Read here. Anyways, from a 20k foot level, some of the reasons micro-service apps get popular could be:

  • Horizontal scalability (scale up or down only a piece of the application for eg. caching server)
  • Benefits of decoupling that come with distributed architectures
  • Develop independently, yet integrate the pieces more easily than before
  • Plug and play (with batteries included)
  • Availability of open source technologies like Docker (containerization)
  • Many more….

Sample Architecture

Below is an example web application that is micro-service aligned.



  1. User interacts through a browser
  2. Request hits the load balances (in this case nginx as an example)
  3. The Front tier can be developed as a micro-service in nodejs stack (angular, react etc. ). Nginx can redirect request to any of the n- front tier apps deployed
  4. API layer can be developed in any technology stack (nodejs, java, python, ruby etc.) – Again api layer can be scaled up or down since it is a micro service
  5. API talks to a caching server like Redis to get fast accessible data
  6. A worker process continuously harvests data sets from database to caching server for fast access of certain data sets. The worker process itself can be written in any stack. It can be a micro-service or a data pipeline
  7. Backend in this example is a relational database like postgresql , however we can have a no-sql db or entirely a managed service like dynamodb/mariadb in aws (think of DBaaS).



Each layer in the above architecture can scale horizontally and can be a distributed cluster, thus increase in loads can be managed through scaling (auto-scaling would be the next step).

Example App

I like this app here

The original repo is here

I had to modify docker-compose.yml so as to access db etc. – otherwise the app functionality is not modified.

Assuming you know how to install docker tool box and you have a docker-machine up and running, clone the repo.

C:\example-voting-app>docker-compose up -d
Creating examplevotingapp_redis_1
Creating examplevotingapp_db_1
Creating examplevotingapp_voting-app_1
Creating examplevotingapp_result-app_1
Creating examplevotingapp_worker_1

The container id’s might change and not necessarily what you see below

C:\example-voting-app>docker ps
77cd892606f6 examplevotingapp_worker "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-" 15 seconds ago Up 15 seconds examplevotingapp_worker_1
32d554434206 examplevotingapp_result-app "node server.js" 16 seconds ago Up 15 seconds>80/tcp examplevotingapp_result-app_1
92f692101fd0 examplevotingapp_voting-app "python app.py" 16 seconds ago Up 15 seconds>80/tcp examplevotingapp_voting-app_1
c949d0b44d70 postgres:9.4 "/docker-entrypoint.s" 16 seconds ago Up 16 seconds>5432/tcp examplevotingapp_db_1
92b78b9ac03b redis "/entrypoint.sh redis" 16 seconds ago Up 16 seconds>6379/tcp examplevotingapp_redis_1


Access the web url to see the UI – Click and vote


See the results UI 


Access caching server

Use Redis Desktop manager UI – its free.



Access postgres database


Scale Horizontally

Let’s say you realize that the app is responding slowly and after initial troubleshooting (looking into redis/postgres/web ui) – you realize that the worker process that takes data from postrgres and pumps into redis is not performing fast enough.

You want to scale up the worker process.

C:\example-voting-app>docker-compose scale redis=2
Creating and starting examplevotingapp_redis_2 ...
←[1Bting and starting examplevotingapp_redis_2 ... done
C:\example-voting-app>docker ps
19566d2ca48d redis "/entrypoint.sh redis" 7 seconds ago Up 7 seconds>6379/tcp examplevotingapp_redis_2
77cd892606f6 examplevotingapp_worker "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-" 24 minutes ago Up 24 minutes examplevotingapp_worker_1
32d554434206 examplevotingapp_result-app "node server.js" 24 minutes ago Up 24 minutes>80/tcp examplevotingapp_result-app_1
92f692101fd0 examplevotingapp_voting-app "python app.py" 24 minutes ago Up 24 minutes>80/tcp examplevotingapp_voting-app_1
c949d0b44d70 postgres:9.4 "/docker-entrypoint.s" 24 minutes ago Up 24 minutes>5432/tcp examplevotingapp_db_1
92b78b9ac03b redis "/entrypoint.sh redis" 24 minutes ago Up 24 minutes>6379/tcp examplevotingapp_redis_1

Boom! Now you have 2 redis worker processes. Isn’t that awesome ?

You can scale any of the micro-services (voting ui app, results app, redis, postgres , worker) with one command. That is your scaling up (Would encourage you to try scaling down – yes it’s built in)

What about auto-scaling ? Good question. Auto-scaling is nothing but responding to certain events and scaling. What could be the events . It could be CPU, memory, response time – really, anything.

If you really don’t want to implement and code for auto-scaling – refer to any public cloud environment and that is one of the unique selling points for clouds like AWS, Azure, digital ocean etc. Anyways, with docker, you can implement it on-premises if you choose to.


Using docker technology – deployment of environments, scaling up or down, in fact the whole management of environments – whether on-premises, private , public or hybrid clouds, becomes an automated process that is NOT too complicated for anyone to manage.

Sure you might ask -What about virtual machines, networks, storage? What about big data applications, where indexing requires dedicated compute, network and storage mechanisms.

Well – Technologies are changing every day and already Big Data Platforms are out in the cloud. It won’t be too long before data centers provisioning etc. becomes more or less commoditized. I love the below infographic that gives a perspective.
